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Can a big penis be a problem ?

An excellent blog performed a research about large penis, it is entitled "the does size matter project".

They didn't find any evidences that there were something like a too big penis. They looked into official medical databases thinking "if a large penis is a medical problem, it should be reported somewhere". I think it makes because all the genitalia diseases are already reported. They were unable to find any paper related to pain caused by a large girth or large length. They also contacted 5 practitioners and asked them if they ever faced the issue where the large penis in a couple was a problem. The 5 practitioners all said they never saw this kind of problem. However, women report all kind of problems to their gynaecologists and sex therapists since it is their job! 

They also mention that one gynaecologist told them the size adaptability of a vagina was quite miraculous and very important.

It means that women lie when they say that a large penis can hurt.

In fact, the girls who say this kind of sentence never tried a large penis.

Click here to access the blog about penis size importance